Welcome to Sequoia Analytical Labs
Northern and Southern California’s leader in accurate and affordable medical cannabis testing
We at Sequoia Labs have been in the California cannabis industry long enough to know what matters to you with your medical cannabis testing. Whether it is quality assurance, dosage or labeling that you need for your medical cannabis products we will do whatever is needed to make sure you are satisfied with your results and have an idea of what to do next in the industry. Give us a call today at (916) 920-4009 or Contact Us Now
Links to CA Legislative Bills Regarding Medical Marijuana Industry
AB 21 was enrolled January 28, 2016, lifting the March 1, 2016 deadline for local municipalities to create cultivation ordinance. Now there is some breathing room to create sane and fair ordinances for all of California. Please get involved with your local cities and counties and stand-up (politely) for you interests!
AB 1575, introduced 1/5/2016, is the omnibus clean-up legislation for last year’s MMRSA package. Conference committees continue and rewrites will happen, so you have plenty of time to contact the authors’ offices to give your input and participate in effecting CA law.
Municipalities will be expected to enact ordinances concerning local commercial growing. Contact your local government (city councils, county boards of supervisors, etc) to voice your concerns. They need YOUR input to craft fair and sensible regulations!
Links to state bill texts are below:
- Text for AUMA (proposed November 2016 ballot measure)
- AB 21 (2016, intro’ed 2014)
- AB 1575 (2016)
- AB 266 (2015)
- AB 243 (2015)
- SB 643 (2015)
- SB 566 – CA Industrial Hemp Farming Act (2013)
Current News
“Clearing the Haze Around Cannabis”, BoE Transportation Stakeholder Meeting 11/20/2015
“California Pot Farmers Wrestle with New Medical Marijuana Rules” -sacbee.com
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